Thursday, December 18, 2008

18th December 2008

Paul is now officially retired and I must say he is looking very relaxed, only three more weeks of work for me so all very exciting and quite surreal. Paul had send offs at each store and we all know how much he loves attention, he got some great gifts including a fabulous book "Australia" Lonely Planet, flicking through it is hard to believe that we will be seeing and experiencing these things next year. Dad text me to ask if Paul's farewell speech was going to be on the news Tuesday night, said no, but to watch "Meet the Press'' on Wednesday. House not rented yet, not available until the 17th January so fingers crossed for after Christmas. Have attached some photo's of Sam and Gina, they are just so cute. Have a safe and happy Christmas!

1 comment:

jewelies said...

Hi Wendy and Paul, what a fabulous adventure you are about to start. Good luck with everything, we will be following your blog and your travels.
Paul, you're going to love retirement. Well done on so many years at Woolies.
Wendy, enjoy every minute of your trip. You have worked so hard and now it's time to sit back and relax.
Take care both of you and please stay in contact. (Just this week I finally got my email working again).
Cheers and hugs, Jules, Dave, Amber and Ruby.