Friday, April 24, 2009

Wet, wet, wet

BEACHPORT we called in here after leaving Mount Gambier this morning for Robe, for the first time in 14 weeks Paul had to pack up in the rain. Good for South Australia as they badly need it. It was also raining when we set up at Robe, luckily the weather cleared slightly and we had a drive around the town, see below.
WEOKMINE CUTTING this was along the way, a farmer went to drain his swamp, it took just under 3 years, was 1km in length up to 28-34 metres deep and they removed 276,000 cubic metres using some Caterpillar equipment, bit of an advertisement for them.

CAPE DOMBEY at Robe, really unusual rock layers and to the left in the shaded area you can see some birds sheltering, presume they are pigeons. Weather permitting we will do some walks tomorrow.

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