Saturday, May 16, 2009

An amazing day

US AT HUCKS LOOKOUT Today we were booked to do a scenic flight at 9am but alas there was some cloud around and the flight was cancelled, so fingers crossed for tomorrow morning.

BRACHINA GORGE Fortunately the weather cleared and we did this fabulous geological drive that took us up to a lookout with 360 degree views and then through the Brachina and Bunyeroo gorges, the scenery was amazing and the rock formations changed between the gorges. It will be good to now fly over where we have driven.
Some of the wildlife we saw today, the yellow footed rock wallaby is unique to the Flinders Ranges. We also saw an eagle rob another birds nest of it's chick up in one of the rock faces, it was sad as the mother bird was circling around crying and trying to scare it off.

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