Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Picture Perfect Day

AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL looking through to Parliament. There is just so much to see here, we have visited three times now in order to do that. Wished I had of packed a pedometer to see how many steps we have walked the last few days whilst visiting the War Memorial, Old Parliament, Parliament and Art Galleries. We have got home at night pooped, not surprising when we have been on our feet wandering around for at least five hours, but sure worth it.
ROLL OF HONOUR This is just one side and at the end is a Hall of Memory with magnificent mosaic tiles depicting the Corps that served in the war and the tomb of the unknown soldier.
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today we went to Question time and what an interesting event that is, great to see the pollies in the flesh and to see what actually happens with the comings and goings of them as they make their addresses. We went there yesterday and took photos as you need to hand in your phone and camera in order to visit the public gallery.
ROOF OF PARLIAMENT yes, it is grass as it is built set into a hill, the building is lovely with lots of natural stone and Australian timbers. The flag is the size of a double decker bus.

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