Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shark Bay, Denham

INDIAN OCEAN at Denham this is the view from our site, which is in the most western caravan park in Australia, tough but someone has to do it. A really nice friendly park and we have caught up again with fellow caravanners Jan and Russ which has been lovely. This country is very small as we have met up with then in Tasmania, Victoria and twice now in Western Australia.
HAMELIN this is an old quarry of compacted sea shells, they compact down with rain and were cut into bricks. The area is now world heritage listed so they are no longer able to do this. In the bay next to here are more stromatolites - the world's oldest living organisms like we saw in the lake near Cervantes.
EAGLE BLUFF more of the amazing WA coastline, the water is just so clear and the dark patches are sea grass. 10% of the worlds dugong population live in this area, can't blame them.
SHELL BEACH the white is from small cockle shells which are up to 4000 years old and 5 to 10 metres deep in parts. Next to here is a section where they are collected and make shell grit like you buy for the base of bird cages.

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