Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reached the 30 year mark

Sheffield the town of murals

Monday we did a drive turning off at Penguin, Gunns Plains, the Leven Gorge across to Sheffield and Latrobe. Everywhere is just so diverse. In Sheffield the town is very quaint and has murals on the side of building walls. The next town Railton is starting to do Topiarys in the front gardens and they are just taking off, will be good to see in a year or so.

Stanley Hotel
Yesterday was our 30th wedding anniversary, we left Ulverstone and moved to Stanley, have a great spot at the base of the nut, photo below. It was an overcast day and man it was a cold wind, it just cut through you. We had a lovely dinner at the Stanley Hotel it won bistro of the year by the hotel association Australia.
Kannunah Bridge South Arthur Forest Park drive
Today we did a great drive, South Arthur Forest drive, usually a round trip but bridge at one end of the Arthur river has been out since August 2007 so you have to double back, obviously it takes a while to replace a bridge. The area is part of Tarkine and is Tasmania Forest property so a few logging trucks, some lovely spots that you stop at along the way, we did walks at each section, even got to see a snake on the path near the top of Milkshake hill, Paul managed to stay cool, calm and collected after the initial shock.
The Nut, Stanley

This is the view of the nut from the caravan park, to the right is Sawyer Bay so very pretty. As you can see a beautiful clear day. We had a big day walking today so will go up on the chairlift to the nut and do the 45 minute walk around the top tomorrow. Then going to go to Dismal Swamp.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finally in Tasmania

Spirit of Tasmania beside the Diamond Princess
On Friday we did a dummy drive to the Port to check out where we had to go with the caravan, it seems that most people end up doing that as we met another couple who also stayed at Benalla and they were due to do the Saturday night sailing. Had a quiet afternoon, will have to have a good look around Melbourne on our return, using public transport.
Fernglade just out of Burnie
Sailing during the day was just magic, it was overcast when we left Melbourne, it takes close to 3 hours to leave the harbour and once in the open sea it was very smooth sailing and a beautiful day. We sat on deck 10 where there was a great duo singing most of the time. The trip went very quickly even though we were an hour late in due to the head wind. Found our way to the park at Ulverstone no worries and we were set up and cooking dinner at 8.30.
Today we went to the Penguin markets about 10 minutes away, must say just the same junk you see at most markets only a few local handcrafted things. We then drove to Burnie another 10 minutes down the road, then out to Fernglade, lovely to see some greenery although the grass that we have seen is very dry. Today has been overcast and a cold wind, give me the heat any day.
Looking at all the brochures we have there is so much to see and do, feel that a month will not be enough, so quite daunting. Things we miss we will just have to come back again and do, but fly here. Can't afford to spend any more time than a month here as still so much more of the mainland to see.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Now in the metropolis of Melbourne

Private property out of Tatong church and lot's of Holdens
We had a lovely few days in the town of Benalla, seems to be a busy town. A lot of the caravan parks have cabins and there are a lot of workers that stay there, at Benalla there are people working on the railway line between Sydney and Melbourne.
We went for a drive on Wednesday to a place called Tatong that was in the book, apart from a German style hotel that we did not enter there is nothing there, we then carried on up the road which is a logging road through the Great Dividing ranges, turned around at the summit and came home, bit of a disappointment. Ended up having our picnic lunch under the awning, did see the above.
Hume Highway near Flowerdale
Yesterday we drove through to Melbourne, had a good run and saw some of the fire devastation, very daunting. Once you get close to Melbourne it is amazing all the traffic, not used to this big city stuff. Not sure what we will do today in the big smoke. Will be up with the sparrows tomorrow for our check in for the ferry.
You meet a lot of interesting people and the funny thing is nobody ever asks you what your do or did do work wise, just where you are going and where have you been, so pick up lot's of hints and tips. Highly recommend the lifestyle, we have both adapted very well.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Albury on the border

View from Huon Hill lookout across to Albury

We are currently in Albury, it is a nice city on the border of Victoria with the Murray River the divider. The other side of the river is Wodonga. Yesterday we went up Huon Hill which has a 360 degree view, thought it would be a walk but bonus was you could drive to the top. There is quite a big Army base at the base.

After that we had a wander around the Botanic Gardens, very lush, not huge but very well maintained, all free so that is good. Above the gardens on the hill is a war memorial which also has great views.

Paul on Memorial Hill with Murray River and Wodonga in background Me in front of War Memorial which is 100 feet high

Albury reminds me of Christchurch as there are hills all around like the Port Hills. As you can see everything is tinder dry. Today we are going to have lunch with Lyn from TIF's Dad and Daphne, they are caravanners too so should be fun.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Rock

Paul with The Rock in the background
Me part way up, piked out
We are both safe and well, we are currently in Wagga Wagga, not near the bush fires, but as you can see by the photos that were taken today at The Big Rock, Yerong nature walk everything is just tinder dry. Paul climbed to the top - 250 metres high and I got about 80% there, saw a few kangaroo's but yet to see a koala in the wild.
We will keep an eye on the maps as we need to be in Melbourne to sail to Tasmania on the 21st February.
Travelling yesterday from Young to here there was a lot of smoke in the air and it is still lingering, which I guess will happen for a few days. Today has been pleasant weather wise, woke up and it was 15 degrees and the day would of been in the mid 30's. In Young on Sunday it was in the mid 40's in the sun, not pleasant.
Tomorrow we will visit the city and have a look the National Art Glass Gallery here in Wagga Wagga - free. Plan to go to the RSL for dinner as Wednesday night is our big night out.
Thursday we will head off to Albury/Wadonga for a few days.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Dish

Paul outside The Dish at Parkes
Arrived in Forbes this afternoon, had a good trip from Dubbo, just 159 km's. On the way we called in and looked at the dish at Parkes, it was very impressive. Here it was 43.9 degrees at the Big4 caravan park, 10 degrees above average, a dry heat thank goodnes, it reminds us of Las Vegas.

Will have to check out what we will do tomorrow, whatever it is will have to be early to beat the heat.

Yesterday we visited the Dubbo goal, very easy to spend two hours there, it is in the centre of town. We had dinner at the bowls club and won $120 on keno so that was good.

Have booked to take the van across to Tasmania on the 21st February and back on the 21st March, we depart from Melbourne and both are day sailings, you leave at 9am and arrive at 6pm.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dubbo area

Meerkats at the Dubbo Zoo

Had a great day a Dubbo zoo yesterday. You can drive around and then stop and walk to the different exhibits.
Today we visited Wellington and went to the sulphur mine and Cathedral cave tour. We then drove out to Lake Burredong dam and had a picnic lunch.
Weather has been in the high 30's, the mornings are quite good but very hot from about 2pm onwards. Tonight there is a storm rolling around, it will be good if it clears the air.
Australia is an amazing land as there are floods northern QLD and a heat wave in VIC and SA. Here the days have gone up to 38, which is about 8 above average.
Tomorrow we plan on visiting the Dubbo goal and then having an afternoon in the pool and then going to Forbes on Thursday.
I left work four weeks ago today - gee I miss it, not!!! Do miss the people.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

1st February 2009

Having trouble getting photos to download, modern technology - very frustrating.

We had a good few days at Coonabarabran, stayed at a good clean park - Getaway Tourist Park, run by hospitable Darren and Lisa, it is a lovely town, had a day where we did some walks at Warrumbungle National Park, visited the Siding Spring Observatory, then that night looked at the stars etc at a locals place who does telescope viewings. Coonabarabran is the Astronomy capital of Australia so beautiful clear night skies.

Today we have driven to Dubbo, less than 160kms, after setting up we had lunch and a swim, very hot, day was 40. Tomorrow we will go and visit the zoo, another day the jail and another day go to Wellington and visit the caves and sulphur mine.

Sorry about the lack of photos will add later.