Friday, February 20, 2009

Now in the metropolis of Melbourne

Private property out of Tatong church and lot's of Holdens
We had a lovely few days in the town of Benalla, seems to be a busy town. A lot of the caravan parks have cabins and there are a lot of workers that stay there, at Benalla there are people working on the railway line between Sydney and Melbourne.
We went for a drive on Wednesday to a place called Tatong that was in the book, apart from a German style hotel that we did not enter there is nothing there, we then carried on up the road which is a logging road through the Great Dividing ranges, turned around at the summit and came home, bit of a disappointment. Ended up having our picnic lunch under the awning, did see the above.
Hume Highway near Flowerdale
Yesterday we drove through to Melbourne, had a good run and saw some of the fire devastation, very daunting. Once you get close to Melbourne it is amazing all the traffic, not used to this big city stuff. Not sure what we will do today in the big smoke. Will be up with the sparrows tomorrow for our check in for the ferry.
You meet a lot of interesting people and the funny thing is nobody ever asks you what your do or did do work wise, just where you are going and where have you been, so pick up lot's of hints and tips. Highly recommend the lifestyle, we have both adapted very well.

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