Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reached the 30 year mark

Sheffield the town of murals

Monday we did a drive turning off at Penguin, Gunns Plains, the Leven Gorge across to Sheffield and Latrobe. Everywhere is just so diverse. In Sheffield the town is very quaint and has murals on the side of building walls. The next town Railton is starting to do Topiarys in the front gardens and they are just taking off, will be good to see in a year or so.

Stanley Hotel
Yesterday was our 30th wedding anniversary, we left Ulverstone and moved to Stanley, have a great spot at the base of the nut, photo below. It was an overcast day and man it was a cold wind, it just cut through you. We had a lovely dinner at the Stanley Hotel it won bistro of the year by the hotel association Australia.
Kannunah Bridge South Arthur Forest Park drive
Today we did a great drive, South Arthur Forest drive, usually a round trip but bridge at one end of the Arthur river has been out since August 2007 so you have to double back, obviously it takes a while to replace a bridge. The area is part of Tarkine and is Tasmania Forest property so a few logging trucks, some lovely spots that you stop at along the way, we did walks at each section, even got to see a snake on the path near the top of Milkshake hill, Paul managed to stay cool, calm and collected after the initial shock.
The Nut, Stanley

This is the view of the nut from the caravan park, to the right is Sawyer Bay so very pretty. As you can see a beautiful clear day. We had a big day walking today so will go up on the chairlift to the nut and do the 45 minute walk around the top tomorrow. Then going to go to Dismal Swamp.

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