Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another stunning day in Tasmania

DERWENT VALLEY This was just out of Oust, lovely rolling country and such a contrast to the rain forest where we had spent the last couple of days. As you can see it is very dry in parts there.
RICHMOND Yesterday we went into the city to the Salamanca markets, very busy and pretty much the same old same old market stuff, some local crafts, but great vegies. We then went for a drive around the bay/harbour. Popped into the Wrestpoint Casino for about an hour, made a small donation to them. In the afternoon we went up the road to Richmond which is very pretty with some lovely buildings. The bridge is the oldest in Australia built in 1823. The Catholic church in the background was lovely that was built in 1826.
PORT ARTHUR Today we visited the historic site there, it was a great experience, as you can imagine a lot of history as to how the convicts lived and the folk who worked there, it is also very chilling when you think of the 1996 massacre. The day was fine but a really cold wind, we have been so lucky with weather, long may it last.
TASMAN SEA Upon leaving Port Arthur we carried on with the "Convict Trail" and visited Remarkable Cave, White Beach, up to the Historic Coal Mines - they also used convicts to work there, Tasman Arch, Blowhole and Devils Kitchen, all very spectacular and as you can see great weather. We are pooped tonight as left home at 8am and got home at 7pm.
Will just do some local touristy things tomorrow and in the evening we are meeting and having dinner with Jan and Russell who have been on the road for three years, how cool would that be?
Tuesday we will do the "Huon Trail" and on Wednesday we head off to Coles Bay for three nights. In Tasmania they have some great tourist drives which are named. Can't get over how many bays etc there are here in Hobart, it is a very nice city.

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