Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back on the Mainland

Yesterday we sailed back to Melbourne, luckily another very smooth trip. It is the Grand Prix here today and a great day weather wise for it. We had bit of a drive around this morning and then found a Dan Murphy's so have stocked up, then got some groceries. It is still incredibly dry here, so doesn't appear to have been much rain since the bush fires.
Just loved our time in Tasmania, the five weeks just flew by, could go there again next February and visit the spots we missed. Yesterday on the boat there were 877 passengers and reckon at least 300 caravans/motorhomes on board.
NAGAWNTAPU NATIONAL PARK was across the water from Port Sorell, very different vegetation to other parks we had visited as it abuts the beach, lot's of pademelons - native to Tasmania and even some kangaroos. Evidence of wombats but you would need to be there at dusk to see them.
ARCHERS KNOB Whilst in the National park we did the two hour walk up to the top of Archers kob, it had great views, lucky weather wise as on the way down there was a shower and then it cleared.

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