Sunday, March 15, 2009

East Coast

BAY OF FIRES Yesterday we left the lovely Coles Bay and headed north to St Helens, a really nice drive along the coastline. St Helens has Georges Bay and is a large fishing port. After checking in we went for a 15 minute drive up to the Bay of Fires while it was still kind of fine as talk of a storm in the afternoon and rain for the next couple of days. The rain held off although it was overcast and the sea fog was rolling in, you can still see the colours in the rocks, the sea must look so pretty on a sunny day as a real aqua colour and very white sand. If it is sunny tomorrow we will go back there.

ANCHOR STAMPER Heading up to The Blue Tier there is a short walk that takes you to this machine in the forest, it was used years ago when tin was mined in the area, at one stage there were 800 Chinese working the mine.

PLATEAU AT THE BLUE TIER After driving up the forestry road you reach this plateau, really cold up there and in the forest there is this unusual mould on the grass and trees - looks like snow and even coral. The grass out in the open is very spongy and I have never seen so much animal pooh, sure it should be renamed pooh plateau, must be a pretty lively place after dark with wildlife.
After there we drove to Weldenborough, lovely scenery with rolling hills and dairy country, only thing there was a pub but we did get to see a live echidna at the side of the road. We headed back and called into the Pyengana Valley and went to the St Columba waterfalls, the tallest waterfall in Tasmania, very impressive but hard to take a photo that does it justice.

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